Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wii chew! and the outside world

We have the Wii sickness. ALL of us! Even me! I find myself thinking about it when I am at work. Is that wrong? I just might be in love with Mario. Don't tell Garry. It really is alot of fun though. Grace is the most addicted. She gets her pout on when she can't be on the Wii every extra moment of the day. I don't mind it much while it is too cold to go outside. I'm hoping it won't be a fight to get her outside to play. On that you remember when we were little and not "allowed" to come in the house during the day except to pee or beg for snacks? I know I am not the only kid that was made to stay outside in the summer. I can still hear my mother telling us for the billionth times to STOP RUNNING IN AND OUT. She would have to lock the door to keep us from letting every bug in the world into our house. Poor mom. I didn't like to listen much then either. I guess some things never change. At the risk of sounding my age, we didn't have all the hand held video games (not as much anyway) and other distractions to keep us busy. Sometimes I worry that our kids are going to forget how to play. Then, the next thing I know Grace is in her room playing with her dolls. She has a good imagination. Reminds me of how I was when I was little she day dreams a lot like I did. I am really going to try to get outside more this summer with her. I figured if I put it in the blog I can sort of hold myself accountable. We shall see....if I don't get sucked into the world of Wii.

1 comment:

Anna Osmon said...

I will hold you accountable to that :) ha! I love Playing outside! :) but I do love the Wii!

My life may seem a little messy looking from the outside in. Trust me, I know where everthing is at :)