Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hello self

Ever keep getting the same message over and over again and just try to ignore it? I keep thinking, not right now or maybe later. Next year perhaps? Anyone who knows me well knows any kind of change has a way of making me skiddish (spelling?) at first. Now I know why Grace has to be told to do things three times. Yes exactly three times. You tell her twice it is so not getting done. I always wondered where she got that from. Guess now it is staring me right in the face. Hello self, meet yourself. Nice to meet you. I just got told something for the third time (each time from a differnt source in a different way).....let's see what I do with it. Confused? Me too. :)


Anna Osmon said...

I like to push things to the side. And be like hmm Should I have really done that or not? Then it kicks me in the knees two more times and I'm like Crap. :) Love you :)

beverlyj said...

Pushing things to the side is what I do best. Everyone has to have a talent right? Sucks when it kicks ya in the knees and especially twice. Love ya!

beverlyj said...

Second guessing is my other wonderful hidden talent. I am awsome at that!

Unknown said...

God confirms in threes. At lease He always does with me. It just occured to me that maybe it's our gift of "second" guessing that requires the "third" confirmation.

Run with it baby. He'll take care of the details, whatever they may be.

beverlyj said...

I just KNEW there had to be a reason Grace has to be told everything three times. She just must be a very holy child! I've talked the talk and now it is time to walk the walk.

My life may seem a little messy looking from the outside in. Trust me, I know where everthing is at :)