Friday, March 7, 2008

I named her right!

Poor poor Grace. She is hurt. Once again. I am really thinking about putting her in a bubble. She has managed to hurt her neck now. It is all swollen and it hurts her. I am giving her until Monday with medicine and ice/heat. If the swelling has not gone down she is so going to the Dr. AGAIN!!!!! I hope this doesn't mean she won't be able to tumble anymore. She will be so sad. I would rather her be sad than hurt though. I care way more about her not being hurt. We will also have to think long and hard about the trampoline she wants for her birthday. *sigh* On a positive note she hasn't thrown up yet this week. Hooray for no vomit!


Anna Osmon said...

I was very accident Prone as a child. I'm not a mom but I wouldn't take her out of it. Maybe just a break. It could help her in not being awkward..Love you and praying for her!

beverlyj said...

I was thinking the same thing, that maybe it will help her not be awkward. But I still don't know what I am going to do. If I left her in and she got REALLY hurt I wouldn't feel like mother of the year. She loves it a lot so most likely she will get to stay in ;) I am such a push over! Love ya Miss Anna. Doesn't it seem like this child has needed a ton of prayer lately? Poor thing!

My life may seem a little messy looking from the outside in. Trust me, I know where everthing is at :)