Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Turtles, turtles everywhere! Since the floods I have seen a blue bazillion turtles here lately. I know that I'm not entirely crazy. Other people have seen them too. I have stopped twice to help a few of the little fella's across the road. Why did the turtle cross the road? He was stappled to the chicken. That one is an inside joke for Becky's Zach :) I love litle turtles and always wanted to have them as pets when I was a kid. I could never keep them alive though. R.I.P. all those brave little guys I captured when we lived in Carlisle out in the country. Grace and Tali will tell you if you see a turtle you have to poke it with a stick first to see if it will bite it. If it doesn't it isn't a snapping turtle. Wise words from the mouths of babes. When in doubt, poke it with a stick.


Christy said...

I love it....When in doubt, poke it with a stick!! Good stuff

Anna Osmon said...

Ha! I got a turtle out of the pool today! lol

beverlyj said...

That should be a life lesson for everyone. When in doubt poke it with a stick.

beverlyj said...

Are you serious Anna? LOL Turtles are EVERYWHERE!

Unknown said...

turtles. interesting.


i love God's amazing sense of humor. and bev, you know exactly what i mean by that!

Nicole said...

I wish there were some more snappers around. They're the only ones good for eating.

beverlyj said...

If you need snappers go to Becky's back yard. That is where the kids poked sticks at them.

Yes Becky I do know what you mean.
Sly isn't He?

My life may seem a little messy looking from the outside in. Trust me, I know where everthing is at :)