Wednesday, May 28, 2008

tardy not absent

I have started a blog at least 6 times in the past few days and then ended up deleting them all. So, better late than never. I have been lurking and stalking the rest of you but I just can't put down what's "going down" around my his-ouse (that is a fun word to say) right now. Two weeks or so and I am going to blog a blog to beat all blogs. Until then I may only be a spectator for a while. So, write something fun and interesting to read while I lurk in the shadows. I know I promise rainbows and kittens and you got Murky instead of Rainbow Bright. I guess I am a fibber :) Have a nice week!


Carol said...

Brighter days are ahead...can't wait for your return to blogland!!

Love ya!

beverlyj said...

It is to happen very soon!
Love ya!

My life may seem a little messy looking from the outside in. Trust me, I know where everthing is at :)