Saturday, May 30, 2009

One year and counting

On June 9th I will have been at Dimensions for one year. I can't believe it has been one year already!!!! I don't regret leaving J.C. Penney's. My life if much better for it. I LURVE all my girls I work with. I couldn't ask for a better group of girls. They put up with all of my annoying little quirks (of which I have many) and still yell a "bye I love you" at me as I walk out the door. I am blessed to be able to work with good people and do what I love. Garry has been so supportive and really helped convince me that it would be ok to step out of my comfort zone and embrace my new life as a self employed person. I won't lie, it is scary sometimes and somewhat stressful. The freedom I have now over my own scheduling is way worth it.


Carol said...

Happy Anniversary! I'll be in to celebrate being a Dimensions client next Thursday! :)

Lauren said...

Yay Bev--I am so happy to be a customer at Dimensions!

beverlyj said...

Thanks guys! I am sure glad to have ya :)

My life may seem a little messy looking from the outside in. Trust me, I know where everthing is at :)