Wednesday, May 28, 2008

tardy not absent

I have started a blog at least 6 times in the past few days and then ended up deleting them all. So, better late than never. I have been lurking and stalking the rest of you but I just can't put down what's "going down" around my his-ouse (that is a fun word to say) right now. Two weeks or so and I am going to blog a blog to beat all blogs. Until then I may only be a spectator for a while. So, write something fun and interesting to read while I lurk in the shadows. I know I promise rainbows and kittens and you got Murky instead of Rainbow Bright. I guess I am a fibber :) Have a nice week!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Not the "won't you take me to funky town?" funk. Not the "ew that shoe smells funky" funk. (Or there is something funky on the Taco/Chicken floor kind of funk). Not even "she dresses so funky" funk. Nope none of the above. It's the dreaded "down in the dumps needing a big change" funk. The "you just have to get to know her" funk. The "change is scary" funk. The "my grandmother is dying a slow painful death" funk. The "no sleeping...ever" funk. The "the stupid dog won't stop doing his business in the floor" funk. The "nothing is ever good enough" funk. Sorry loyal blog readers for the ever so funky blog. Promise to be a bit more rainbows and sunshine next time (maybe I'll toss in some kittens too, heaven knows that Thomas has enough of my grand kittens to go around) :) Thanks for reading!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

YOU'RE 30?!!

What is so wrong with being 30? I tell people I am 30 and they always say, "Oh you don't look 30", like I am supposed to be flattered. I know they mean well, but really what is so wrong with being 30 and looking 30? I think I look 30 and I don't mind it a bit. This happened to me today where how old I am came up and of course I tell them because I don't care that I am 30. People act like being older is a disease or something. It really makes me laugh. The girl that asked me that acted like she gave me a huge compliment by telling me I don't look it. She actually said, "I made your day now!" Ummm. The only thing you did was make me laugh. I told her, "No not really I don't mind being 30. It is better than being dead." She didn't know what to say to that. She was silent for a long time and then mummbled "I guess that is a good way to look at it". Yea for being 30 and yea for growing up and yea for not being dead lol :)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Thank heaven for little girls.

I wish I was as good with words as some of my fellow bloggers. Trust me, I have a ton of thoughts and ideas swimming around in my noggin. I just don't know how to get em out of the water! Pool check! Everyone out! It doesn't work for me that way. Oh well, here it goes anyway.
With Mother's day right around the corner I have thought a lot about what kind of Mother I am and what kind I would like to be. I love my Grace. She is my light and my life. I thank God for giving her to me even though at the time I was proclaiming to never want any ankle biters. He knows what is best :) I never had this yearning to have a child like a lot of other women. I could hold a baby and be like "yep nice baby" and then give it back unchanged. I wasn't one of those that just HAD to have children or my life would be over. Boy am I glad God knew better! Garry's dad had just died in a house fire and two weeks later we found out I was pregant. It was a surprise. I was pregnant when he died and didn't know it. I was so sick that day and thought it was just my migrains. It was little Grace letting me know she was there! She teaches me something every day. In a lot of ways she is so much like me. I see myself in so many things that she says and does. I think that may be why we clash so often. She is stubborn like me and she always has to get the last word in just like me. She is so much more sensitive than I am though. She wears her heart on her sleeve. In ways that is not such a good thing but in others it is wonderful. She cares so much. I admire that in her :) She is so brave and yet so tender at heart. She stands up to me and I know that is hard to do. I don't mean to be but sometimes I can be scary and let my temper go. Sometimes I am so hard on her and she still loves me no matter what. I hope that when she is older and looks back on her childhood she will feel loved and feel like she had a pretty good time. It is an amazing responsibility to raise a child and make sure they have morals and the love of Christ in their life. I pray that I am doing the right things by Grace and that she grows up a happy and healthy girl with confidence to do what she is called to do in life. I will always be there to pick her up in case she falls (or runs her swing into a tree). I will be there to support her and guide her in whatever she decides to do in life. I love that I have the honor of being that wonderful little angel's Mommy. I truely thank God for her every day.

My life may seem a little messy looking from the outside in. Trust me, I know where everthing is at :)