Thursday, August 14, 2008

Secret Gift for Seth

Grace and I bought Seth a wonderful gift and we can't wait to give it to him on Sunday. I will give you loyal blog readers a few is something you wear. It's cute so he might hate it. (Since it comes from a little girl that means he will have to wear it or break her little heart.) Here is another clue...she found it at Wal-Mart. Stumped aren't ya! I think it is pretty cool and even cooler that Grace just HAD to get it for him. LOL! So, go ahead fellow bloggers guess away. I know Lauren will love this most and maybe Carol too. If you guess right I will tell you but you have to promise to keep the secret! No general guesses you have to be dead on or I won't tell you and you will have to wait like everyone else :) Muahahaha Muahahaha haaaaaaaa!


Carol said...

A Veggie Tales tie?

beverlyj said...

Nope but you are barking up the right tree!

Carol said...

a guitar tie?

beverlyj said...

Nope not a guitar tie!

Carol said...

So, did it freak you out when I said tie? Granted, not veggies, but still...I'm telling you, it's a gift. I drive my husband nuts!! lol

beverlyj said...

You DO have a gift. lol

Christy said...

Bev! Are you trying to be like Becky and not blog?????????????????????

My life may seem a little messy looking from the outside in. Trust me, I know where everthing is at :)