Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Third time is the charm

Ever give God "one of those" talks when He tells you to do something loud and clear and you just don't wanna? "I don't wanna! I Don't Wanna! I DON'T WANNA!" Then you start to barter with you think He gets a giggle out of that? I do. Ok God. If you really want me to and I mean REALLY REALLY REALLY want me to then "this" will happen. Then "that" happens and you are stuck. Now He is having a pretty good chuckle. Sometimes I even have to be shown twice (or three times). Of course He is patient and shows me again and again if I need it. I usually do. Now I know where Grace gets having to be told things three times before she does it. Grace brush your teeth. Grace have you brushed your teeth? GRACE GO BRUSH YOUR TEETH NOW! Now I know how He feels when he has to tell me a billion times. I think He is a little more patient than me though!


Carol said... blogged, Bev! :) I love that you tagged it God's Belly Laugh - I think He must have quite a sense of humor.

BTW, if you ever want to change the name of your blog it could be "Keeping up with the Jones's" :)

Love ya!

beverlyj said...

LOL I will keep that in mind if I ever want to change :)

My life may seem a little messy looking from the outside in. Trust me, I know where everthing is at :)