Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Something new every day....

I learn something new every day. It always amazes me. Here are just a few things I learned today.
1. Don't ever buy cheddar cheese and summer sausage already cut up and prepackaged. It is dry and kind of gross. Do the leg work and cut it up yourself. Lesson learned.
2. Always keep a can of de-icer in your car. I shared mine with my girls at work today. It made me feel good to help them out.
3. Understand that de-icer does NOT mean you don't still have to scrape your windows a little. It helps make it easier but doesn't make it go away like magic. Lesson learned.
4. Go in early for someone even when it can be a hardship for you. It is always worth it in the end. (THEN God puts in your last clients mind to call and reschedule because He knows your feet hurt and you have been there ALL day and you didn't want to work a 12 hr day today. He is cool like that).
5. I knew this already but relearned it today. I love Becky and Jim's kids like they are my own.
6. Lauren is my hero for bringing me hot chocolate.
7. I really like Starbucks hot chocolate. Who knew.
8. I enjoy the girls I work with. They are like my family.
9. I love Garry so much my heart could burst. I have it so good. He is an amazing husband and friend. I thank God for him.
10. I enjoy making people feel good about themselves. It is such a blessing to do what I do.
11. The ducks that hang out in the lake behind the salon are pretty funny to watch when they are walking around on the ice on the lake. Polly and I are pretty obsessed with the happenings of the ducks.
12. My mother can wrap a present like no other person I know.
13. I like my hair short.
14. I would still like to have blue in my hair. *sigh* The pink I put in didn't work.
15. Don't hang your coat on the coat rack. Someone took Jenna's (a girl I work with) coat and left their's by accident. She had her car keys in there. Doh! We called lots of ladies to see if it was them that mistakenly took it but couldn't get in touch with anyone. She had to have her husband drive from Wheatland to give her keys. Poor Jenna.
Lesson Learned.
16. I like having Grace hang out with Deborah and Brian. It is cool for her to get to see her 2 baby cousins and get to know her aunt and uncle.
17. I am still pretty obsessed with the Twilight series. I have OCD....Obsessive Cullen Disorder.
18. I can be really lazy sometimes.
19. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new camera.
20. God is good all the time, even when I don't want to know it or can't see it. He is. He has plans for me. I have known this for a very long time. It is just kind of scary to say out loud or rather type out loud :) I have to be ok with people thinking I am weird and that shouldn't be so hard...I am. In the most wonderful way. His way.
So, those are just a very few of the things I learned just today. Tomorrow is another day and more knowledge.


Unknown said...

beautiful post, friend. i love you.

and i like learning with you.

beverlyj said...

Thanks! Back at ya sister friend :)

My life may seem a little messy looking from the outside in. Trust me, I know where everthing is at :)